Integrity Trustworthiness
Kindness Competence
Trade Industry

Currently, the business scope of ZEC covers the operation of gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, coal, coke, shaped packaged food, grain and oil products, metal materials, building materials, chemicals, textiles, timber, general machinery and automobile, as well as the import and export business and processing trade of steel and finished products, textiles, electromechanical, light industry, handicrafts, grain and oil and feedstuff products. The company imports mainly from the United States, the European Union, Japan, Canada, Russia, South Korea, India, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia, and exports mainly to the United States, the European Union, Japan, Latin America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa amongst other countries and regions. It has built up extensive and in-depth trade cooperation with foreign businessmen in these areas.

ZEC has passed the ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification. Domestic and foreign trade integrated and industry and trade associated, the company firmly grasps the opportunities brought by economic globalization, brings into full play superiorities in brand, capital and talents, makes full use of domestic and foreign resources and markets, combines domestic trade with foreign trade and industry with trade, makes production materials and living materials supplement each other, and balances the development of domestic trade and foreign trade, import and export, domestic trade and overseas trade. Now the company has become an important link in the domestic and international supply chain.

ZEC owns two subsidiaries: Zhejiang ZEC  Import and Export Co., Ltd.  and Zhejiang ZEC trade and industry CO.,Ltd. 

Zhejiang ZEC Import and Export Co., Ltd.
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Zhejiang ZEC trade and industry CO.,Ltd.
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